Cristina Bergoglio
What is your background?
I was born in Córdoba, Argentina, in 1967. I studied at the Taller de Pintura de María Finochietti in Argentina from 1983 to 1986, and graduated in Urban Architecture from the National University of Córdoba in 1996. In 1997, I moved to Spain, where I attended the Taller de Pintura Emma Gans, and the Taller del Prado Academy in Madrid, later becoming a teacher at that institution, until 2007.
What inspires you and what is your creative process?
My style is "urban poetry." I am looking to excite the public through the urban atmosphere and show how we really see the cities. The human eye does not see the detail in urban landscapes, but spots in motion, polluted atmospheres. I like to portray the sensation of speed and movement that modern cities radiate. Usually, I travel to the city I am going to exhibit in a few months prior, to take photos and make sketches as I like to include works of the particular city.
What is your favourite subject matter and why?
I choose cities with bridges, because they help me to convey a message of communication between people, ideas, and especially between our Spirit and our personality. I love the atmospheres of the big cities and capturing these atmospheres is my personal brand.
Who are your biggest influences?
Turner is the painter who has influenced me the most.
How have you stayed inspired and energized during the pandemic?
I have not experienced the full impact of the pandemic unlike most people. The truth is that my life today is very similar to as it was during the pandemic. I spend a lot of time in my study. During the pandemic I published 2 books, which are titled: Entering the Extraordinary and The 20 Freedoms of Being, both translated into English. Circumstances should not define our state of mind.
What is/are your favourite medium(s)?
I mainly paint with acrylic and oil.
How long does it take to complete a piece, and what is the entire process? Do you like working on different pieces at the same time?
I work with great agility. It takes less than a week to paint a large piece. I dive deep into the process. I work on at least 2 pieces at any one time.
Name an artist(s) you’d like to be compared to.
I don't like comparing myself to other artists.
What subjects do you pursue and why?
As I have mentioned before, modern cities with contemporary bridges fascinate me because I am an architect.
What other artists have been inspirational to you in your work?
I adore artist Christian Hook.
What do you hope people feel when they view your art?
What I want the public to feel when they see my work, is the contact with their true Self, and incredible peace.
Projects & Collaborations
Seleccionada Medalla al Mérito de las Bellas Artes de Valdepeñas
Seleccionada en el Concurso de Pintura Figurativa del Museo de Arte Moderno de Barcelona.
Premio Adquisición Certamen Cultural Virgen de las Viñas.
Seleccionada Premio Concello de Cambre
Seleccionada Premio de Pintura de Torrelodones.
Primer Premio Concurso de Pintura. “En torno al Prado y la Bolsa.
Premio Hevia. Concurso “En torno al Prado y la Bolsa”.
Medalla Antonio Casero. Concurso “Madrid San Isidro”. Excelentísimo Ayuntamiento de Madrid.
Primer Premio Concurso “Madrid San Isidro”. Premio Excelentísimo Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Premio Motiva Consulting. Concurso “En torno al Prado y la Bolsa”
Premio Hotel Convención, Concurso “En torno al Prado y la Bolsa”
Primer Accesit Premio de Pintura de Parla. Parla.
Segundo Premio, Premio Indalecio Hernández. Valencia de Alcántara. Cáceres.
Primer Premio Certamen Nacional de Pintura Ciudad de Toledo
Adquisición Empresa KMMB CONSTRUCCIONES.
Premio “Niña del Sur” Concurso “En torno al Prado y la Bolsa”.
3er Premio de Pintura Rafael Zabaleta. Quesada. Jaén.
Premio Helios Concurso “En torno al Prado y la Bolsa”. Madrid.
Primera Mención de Honor Premio Nacional de Pintura Villa de Parla. Parla.
2º Premio de Pintura Concurso Internacional de Pintura Rafael Zabaleta. Quesada, Jaén.
Finalista Concurso de Pintura rápida Ciudad de Guadarrama.
Finalista Concurso de Pintura Coronado para jóvenes artistas. Madrid.
Primer Premio Concurso Nacional de Pintura de Alcobendas.
Seleccionada Concurso de Pintura Rápida Ayuntamiento de Colmenar Viejo.
Primera Mención de Honor Premio Griñón de Pintura Rápida.
Seleccionada en el Concurso de Pintura Rápida de Leganés.
Seleccionada en Concurso Taller Galería 2000. Madrid.
Seleccionada en el Concurso Angel Andrade de Ciudad Real.
Finalista en el Concurso Internacional de Carteles San Fermín 2000. Pamplona. España.
Finalista en el Concurso Nacional de Pintura Villa de Parla. Parla. España.
Premio Selección para la publicación de la Antología “Cien Relatos Geniales de la Literatura Española y Extranjera”. Editorial Jamais. Sevilla. España.
Primer Premio en el Concurso Nacional de Cuento Humorístico “Córdoba Macowens”. Córdoba. Argentina.
Premio Selección para la publicación de la Antología Poética Argentina. Argentina.
Primer Premio en el Concurso Internacional de Poesía de la Sociedad Argentina de Letras, Artes y Ciencias.
Mención de Honor en el Concurso “La ciudad oculta” sobre Paisaje Urbano organizado por la Sociedad de Arquitectos de Córdoba. Argentina.
Irish Art, The Doorway Gallery, Irish Art Gallery, Irish Artists, Dublin